Health Facilities
Belagavi District is fortunate to have some of the best Health Institutions which are serving people not only in Belagavi District but also people from all over Karnataka and other states. The K.L.E Hospital of Belagavi is the Second Largest Hospital in Asia which provides all the modern facilities and treatment. Recently, a Cancer Research Center has been inaugurated which has now made Cancer treatment easier and affordable. Also we have the A.M.Shaikh’s Homeopathy and Medical Collegewhich with it’s service and hospitability ranks Third in India. Besides these, there are many other reputed Doctors and Health Institutions serving people selflessly and paying valuable contribution towards a Healthier Belagavi.
Important Health Facility Centers
- KLE’s Dr Prabhakar Kore Hospital & Medical Research Centre , Belagavi
- KLE’s Vishwanth Katti Dental Hospital & Research Centre , Belagavi
- The Cancer Hospital , Belagavi
- Other Health Instuition
Dr Prabhakar Kore Hospital and Medical Research Centre
Dr Prabhakar Kore Hospital and Medical Research Centre has introduced to Belagavi several unique facilities like High-end Extra-Corporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy, Gamma Camera, Invasive Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, Renal Dialysis etc. The KLE Society has Operation Theatre, Hospital Wards, Doctor’s Profile, Research Activities, Progressive Care Units, Intensive coronary Care Unit, Cardiothoracic Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Medical Intensive Care Unit, Laboratory, Blood Bank, Ambulance, Services, Industrial Plant Mortuary, Water Purification Plant, Sewage Treatment Plant and many more. It provides 24-hrs service.
Some of the Departments of KLE are: ARC Cardiology Cardiac Surgery, CDC Diabetology E.N.T., Facio-Maxillary Surgery and Dentistry Gastroenterology Medicine Neur, Med Neuro.Surg Nephrology, Neonatology Obst and Gyn Orthopaedics Ophthalmology Paediatrics Physiotherapy Plastic Surgery Psychiatry Resp, Med Paed, Surg Pain Clinic Surgery Skin and S.T.D. Urology etc. In due course of time, other super-specialties like Oncology, Endocrinology and Gastroenterology would be added to the hospital services. There is a special Child Development Clinic for children with physical and mental disabilities, a well-equipped Physiotherapy Unit, a separate department of Orthodics and Prosthetics, a Speech Therapy Centre and other facilities. Including pipes (Centralised) medicinal gases and suction, a 500 mA mobile X-ray machine, Cardiac monitors, defibrillators, set of three ventilators and a separate operation theatre complex solely dedicated to accident and emergency work.
The 24-hour services are of course headed by the Accident and Emergency but include the Pharmacy, the Laboratories, the X-Ray and CT Scan units, and the Blood Bank. The speciality of the Hospital has been that all the required medical facilities be made available under one roof so that the patient need not look elsewhere for any aspect of his care.
For Further Details, Contact :
K.L.E.S. Hospital and Research Centre,
Nehru Nagar, Belagavi-590010, Karnataka, India.
Tel : 0831 – 2473777.
Email : klehosp[at]satyam[dot]net[dot]in
Website : http://www[dot]klehospital[dot]org/
KLE’s Vishwantah Katti Dental Hospital & Research Centre
The mission of the K. L. E Society’s Institute of Dental Science is to help students to develop cognitive skills to generate, assimilate, validate & transmit knowledge & ideas through teaching. This Health Centre belongs to KLE Society’s which is the Second Largest Hospital in Asia. JNMC Dental Centre is one of the leading Centre in india. People from many other places come to take Admissions here. Started in August 1985, the institute of Dental Sciences is affiliated to Karnataka University, Dharwad, and is the first dental institution of the University. It is now affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore. The Dental Council of India has granted recognition for the degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B. D. S) in the year 1989. It provides many good Facilities like Separate Hostels, Beautiful Campus, Canteen, a big Auditorium, differnt Classrooms and Departments. About 1000 of Students take admissions over here.
The Dental Hospital and Research Centre offers Treatments like the Dental Surgery – (D.S.), Dental Mechanics and Dental Hygienist and much more. This centre has acquired specialization in Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Conservative Dentistry, Oral Pathology, Community Dentistry, Oral Medicine and Radiology. In October 2003 (i.e on Oct 5th) Dental Camps were held in the Campus and on 18th october the First Alumni Meet was held. The Departments of this Health Centre are :Oral Medicine and Radiology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Conservative Dentistry, Conservative Dentistry Periodontics, Prosthodontics Oral Pathology, Microbiology Oral Pathology and Microbiology Community Dentistry Community Dentistry.
For Further Details Contact :
Principal, K.L.E. Society’s, Institute of Dental Hospital and Research center,
Belagavi-590010, Karnataka, India.
Tel : 091-831–2470333, 2470362;
Fax : 091-831–2470640.
Email : prncipal[at]kids-bgm[dot]org
Website : http://www[dot]kids-bgm[dot]org/
Belagavi Cancer Hospital

The hospital is located atop a hillock, with a view of the lake in front of the Belagavi Fort. It is first of it’s kind in Belagavi District. There is abundance of light and ventilation with open spaces all around. This will help lift the morale of the suffering cancer patients and help them recover quickly. This hospital is close (1.5kms) to the Central Bus Terminus with quick access and enough parking space.
The Hospital has 40 beds, with a well equipped OT and ICU. The hospital has a Pathology Lab, X-Ray, Endoscopes and Ultra Sonography(USG) facilities. There is a separate ward for the TERMINALLY ILL PATIENTS who will have a separate entry and exit so that the patients admitted for treatment (Surgery, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy) are not affected. This is an important need of the patients, family members and society alike.
Some of the departments in this hospital are -Surgical Oncology Department, Radiation Therapy Department, Medical Oncology Department and TeleMedicine Department. This was a long felt need of the cancer patients of this region since it was very inconvinient to travel over 100kms to the nearest centre.
Other Health Institutions
District hospital (Belagavi) : The District Hospital, Belagavi earlier known as the Civil Hospital is the earliest hospital in the district and dates back to 1859. This serves the people of the district and also the rural people of the bordering villages of the neighbouring state. The Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College of the city is attached to this hospital. The present bed strength of the hospital is around 1000. It has specialised services in medicine, surgery, peaditrics, maternity, gynaecology, ENT, skin diseases, optholmology, psychiatry and dentistry.
General Hospital (Gokak) : The General Hospital, Gokak is one of the oldest hospital in the district being started as a Dispensary in 1865. The present building of the hospital was constructed during 1966. The total number of beds available is around 75.
Karnataka Health Institute(Ghataprabha) : This hospital was started as a dispensary in the year 1935. The campus is spread over an area of 195 acres of land. By 1985, the institute had achieved a General Hospital of 166 beds, a Maternity Hospital of 55 beds with it’s 6 rural branches.
General Hospital(Saundatti) : This hospital was started as a dispensary during 1875. It is housed in it’s own building constructed in 1958. The number of beds available is 50 with 10 beds for Tuberculosis patients.
General Hospital(Chikodi) : It was started in 1882 as a dispensary maintained by Local Board in a hired bungalow. It has been converted into a general hospital with 50 beds.
District T.B Centre(Belagavi) : This centre was started in 1972 and is situated in the district hospital compound and is headed by a Medical Officer. The centre is equipped with a laboratory and an X-Ray unit.
Mahatma Gandhi Hospital(Nippani-Chikodi) : The MG Hospital was started in 1958. There are 10 beds in the hospital, of which 4 are for Maternity Section. It is attached with Urban Family Centre.
Employees State Insurance Hospital(The ESI Belagavi) : The ESI Act of 1948 was made applicable to the Belagavi city Municipal Limits from 1963. There are 4 full-time ESI dispensaries in Belagavi. Recently ESI has constructed a new Building at Ashok Nagar. This hospital is equipped with all modern aminities.
Vaccine Institute(Belagavi) : This institute(1904) had been manufacturing exclusively small pox vaccine under the Government of Mumbai Province. The institute was shifted to it’s present building in 1909. In 1954, the change of vaccinifire from cow-calf to sheep took place. In 1956, the administrative control of the institute came under the Government of Karnataka.
Mission Hospital(Sankeshwar) : It was started during 1923 by Dr.G.Henderson. The hospital building was constructed in 1923. It has an X-Ray unit, a laboratory and an Operation Theatre. It also has Maternity facilities. The present bed strength of the hospital is around 50. It has a T.B ward with 10 beds.
Leprosy Hospital,Hindalga(Belagavi) : It was started as an Asylum for leprosy patients by Dr.E.V.Hunter in 1912. Special treatment was started for the leprosy patients in 1924.
Apart from these health institutions, Belagavi District has lots of Ayurvedic, Homeopathy Hospitals. People from surrounding places come to Belagavi for quality and best medical treatment.